Blogsite: A minor achievement for BC REFUGEES

In case you don't notice this stuff - - - since the end of 2010 the number of visitors to our BC REFUGEES site has been steadily climbing at the rate of almost 1,000 new visits per every 7 -10 days.
This week, still early in February - - the number of visits exceeded 15,000.
That's not a huge number - - however, what's more significant is the steadily increasing viewership. There's lots of sites out there with huge numbers - - don't know if this site will get there but the fact that we are picking up new visitors and hopefully returning readers is very encouraging.
Thanks to everybody!


  1. Holy crap. People pay attention to us?

  2. 15,000?? That's nothing to sneeze at!

  3. I don't know how accurate that number is, but I know we have people following links in from my Twitter and (moreso) from Mike posting links on publishers' and retailers' sites. So, thank you to everyone who has contributed (and to Shane for having the idea to let everyone contribute; this wouldn't have survived as just my blog), thanks to our readers (however many they may be), and, um, yay us!

  4. Great accomplishment fellas! and Sorry I haven't posted much.


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