John Arcudi article link... (and I assume the Sunday Inquirer) had an article today about acclaimed Wildstorm writer John Arcudi, who lives in Philadelphia now.

Rage against the superhero

I knew he co-created "The Mask" and did a Hellboy run, but hadn't heard of his last graphic novel. Evidently it's getting great reviews for those who haven't seen/heard of it. Any reviews?

Edited by Jeff to add: I can't get the pages to enlarge in my browser, but FYI I'm told that the graphic novel pages linked from the article are not safe for work or kids.

Edited again to add: Bleeding Cool wrote about the "graphic" pages here.


  1. I hadn't heard of his Wildstorm book, but I'm a fan of his "Doom Patrol" run (which Bill is reading and enjoying now too). Keith Giffen is actually using some of Arcudi's DP characters in the book now.

  2. I think Arcudi also wrote some of the very early Aliens mini-series for Dark Horse, and Predator as well. Both were very good.
    I get the Philadelphia Inquirer, and I was pleased to see this much space given to a graphic novel by a local resident. Almost a full-page on the front Arts & Entertainment II section plus another 3/4 page inside. The inside page has a big blow-up of a page of art - - you aren't kidding about the adult nature. I think this one slipped by the Inquirer proof readers. A dialogue balloon clearing shows the words "m.....f..ker" with no deletions. Hope they don't get in trouble for that.


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